Green Source Genetics - Clones in Laytonville

About Us

Scoping out best quality plants in Laytonville, CA? Green Source Genetics - Clones in Laytonville has the high-quality seedling cuts you desire for your home or business grow operation! With over 100+ strains available to pick from, 100% perfect health guaranteed, tested and verified genetics, and unparalleled customer support, Green Source Genetics - Clones in Laytonville is the only choice for ready to flower seedlings in the Laytonville area. With farm to door shipping and the capability to manage the whole enchilada from Craft to Commercial volume, we're the key to your success! Consider us today by visiting our website, ringing our number, or shootin' us an email.

Our Services



What about helping me begin my operation in other ways than just providing wholesale plants?


Not only will we provide you with the sourcing that you need to find high-quality cannabis clones, teens and seeds, but we'll also provide consulting services to support you throughout every step of your cultivation process. There are many cannabis companies out there that simply sell their products and say "Good Luck" to their clients, but that's not the case with us. Whenever you need us, we'll be there to answer your pressing questions or concerns and ensure that your cultivation goals are met.


Are you a reliable company to work with?


We take so much pride in supporting countless California residents in developing the very best cultivation efforts of the most potent cannabis strains. Our team works diligently to ensure the overall quality of our phenotypes, and we understand just how important it is to countless cannabis growers to trust the sources of their seeds, clones and teens. We abide by rigorous regulatory practices and quality assurance measures to fully guarantee that each and every one of our clones is female, healthy, pest free, and well rooted.


Are you experienced in this?


We have over 30 years of experience within this industry and have helped lead some of the most successful farms in the entire state of California. Throughout our years of experience, we've come to understand what's necessary to foster and maintain the purest genetics in the industry. And as it's probably easy to imagine, plant genetics is what we're all about at Green Source Genetics.

Contact Us

Please feel free to reach out to us via phone or email for more information!

Green Source Genetics - Clones in Laytonville
45020 N Hwy 101, Suite 200, Laytonville, CA 95454

P: (707) 414-3303